202450+라이프뉴스 신문사 창간Establishment of 50+ Life News newspaper라디오쇼 조직위원회 설립Establishment of Lifedesign50+show organizing committee
2023가족친화기업 인증Family-friendly Company Certification
2022종합건설업 면허 취득Acquisition of General Construction Business License
2020필라핀 클락 지사 설립Establishment of FACTORY HOOO PHILPPINES LCC in Clark디자인 연구소 설립Establishment of Design Laboratory
2019미국 하와이 지사 설립Establishment of FACTORYHOOO USA LLC in Hawaii해외건설업면허취득Apporved Certification of International Constructor전국 14개 전시장 전문전시디자인 등록업체 선정 (코엑스, 킨텍스, 벡스코, 엑스코, 수원컨벤션, 광주KDJ, 제주ICC 등 14개 전시장)Chosen as a Business Partner by TOP 14 Exhibition Centers
2018전시사업부 설립Establishment of Exhibition DivisionMRO 사업부 설립Establishment of MainTenace, Repair&Operation Division
2017㈜팩토리후로 상호변경Changing Name of Company to FACTORY HOOO Co.,Ltd.기술평가 우수기업인증Certificate of Excellent Technology Evaluation전문건설업면허(실내건축) 취득Approved Certification of Interior Construction License
2015법인설립 - ㈜소호인터내셔널Establishment of Soho International Corp.